Below is a ton of information about recital, dress rehearsal, and picture week. 

  • Costumes
      • The last of the costumes should be going home, unless you’ve heard directly from us.  
      • Please be sure all costumes are hung up in a safe place.  Do not allow your dancer to play in it.  After the recital the costume is yours to keep and do whatever you want with it.  Same goes for the performance tights that came with your dancer’s costume.
      • Hang costumes with tutus upside down to help the tutu fluff and the layers to straighten out.
      • Performance tights were sent home with the dancer’s costume. 
      • Additional tights are available for purchase at the studio!  We should have all styles and sizes available.  Be sure to buy yours, so you’re prepared if you need a backup pair during the recital!
    • CLICK HERE for Dancer Checklist, Makeup Tutorial, and Bun Tutorial
      • We encourage you to print out the checklist and use it to make sure you have everything for the performances!
  • Picture Week 4/15-4/18
    • Arrive 5-10 minutes before your scheduled time
    • Wear costume, performance tights, dance shoes, makeup (does not have to be full stage makeup but some makeup is a good idea), and hair as assigned on the costume info sheet.
    • One guest per dancer is welcome to stay, due to our limited space.
    • We will invite each class back to Studio 1 to run their dance and then get pictures taken.
    • We will be hosting Pea Pod Photography, out of Archbold, again this year.  We will do a group picture and individual picture for all classes/dancers.  
    • Order forms will be sent home at the beginning of April.  Be sure your dancer has theirs with them prefilled out with payment inside when they come for pictures.  If you have multiple orders, one check is fine, but please indicate on the form the check number and that the check can be found in another form.  
    • All questions about your pictures should be directed to Ashley Ryan at Pea Pod Photography.
    • We hope to have orders back before the end of the dance season.  We will keep everyone updated when orders arrive for pickup.
    • Saturday Combo, please note your picture time is on Wednesday, April 17th.
Monday, April 15th Tuesday, April 16th Wednesday, April 17th Thursday, April 18th
Regular Class Time Picture Week Regular Class Time Picture Week Regular Class Time Picture Week Regular Class Time Picture Week
Monday 4 Jazz 4:30-5:05 Tuesday 4 Modern 4:30-4:45 Wednesday 4:50 Combo 4:50-5:10 Thursday 4 Combo 4:30-5:05
Monday 4 Combo 5:05-5:20 Tuesday 4 Tap 4:45-4:55 Wednesday 4:50 Ballet 5:10-5:45 Thursday 4:50 Hip Hop 5:05-5:40
Monday 4:50 Ballet 5:20-5:55 Tuesday 4:50 Ballet 4:55-5:30 Wednesday 5:40 Combo 5:45-6:05 Thursday 4:50 Lyrical 5:40-5:50
Monday 4:50 Hip Hop 5:55-6:10 Tuesday 4:50 Tap 5:30-5:45 Wednesday 5:40 Jazz 6:05-6:35 Thursday 5:40 Ballet 5:50-6:15
Monday 5:40 Jazz 6:10-6:40 Tuesday 5:40 Jazz 5:45-6:20 Saturday 9:30 Combo 6:35-7:05 Thursday 5:40 Tap 6:15-6:35
Monday 5:40 Tap 6:40-6:55 Tuesday 5:40 Hip Hop 6:20-6:30 Thursday 6:30 Jazz 6:35-6:55
Monday 6:30 Tap 6:55-7:15 Tuesday 6:30 Ballet 6:30-7:00 Thursday 6:30 Hip Hop 6:55-7:05
Monday 6:30 Lyrical 7:15-7:30 Tuesday 7:20 Tap 7:00-7:30 Thursday 7:20 Lyrical 7:05-7:40
Monday 7:20 Ballet 7:30-8:05 Tuesday 7:20 Jazz 7:30-7:50 Thursday 8:10 Pointe 7:40-8:15
Monday 8:10 Jazz 8:05-8:40 Tuesday 8:10 Modern 7:50-8:10
Tuesday 8:10 Tap 8:10-8:25
Seniors 8:25-8:35


  • Week of recital, April 22nd-25th, is a regular dance week at the studio.


  • Dress Rehearsal at Bryan Arts & Education Auditorium April 26th
    • Call Time 5:15pm
      • Please arrive before your call time!  This is what time we start our rehearsal.
    • We will start with our finale and then go back to the beginning and run all of our dances in show order (found at the end of this email).
    • Once your dancer has practiced all of their dances they are free to leave. Please pick them up backstage and let their backstage mom(s) know you’re taking them.
    • We will be practicing costume changes.  Dancers should bring all of their costumes, accessories, and shoes.  Please do not wear your performance tights for dress rehearsal, we don’t want anything to happen to them before the performance.  
    • Makeup and hair are optional, but all dancers should have their hair pulled back out of their face.
      • If you’re feeling unsure about hair and makeup you may use this as an opportunity to practice!
    • We hope to finish up with all of the dances by 9:00pm
    • Please enter and exit via the glass door on the east side of the building by the parking lot.
    • Parents are welcome to stay and watch the rehearsal.  You may take pictures and video, as long as it is not a distraction to the dancers. *Please note you may NOT take pictures or videos during the actual recital performances, ONLY at dress rehearsal.


  • Recital Day April 27th
      • Call times:
        • 1:00pm for the 1:30pm performance
        • 6:30pm for the 7:00pm performance
      • Make sure your dancer has had a healthy meal before bringing them for their performances.  
      • Dancers will stay backstage for the entire performance.  Parents will drop off and pick up in the gym using the east side glass door. We encourage you to meet and greet with family outside, weather permitting, as the gym fills up quickly and we need to clean things up between performances and strike after the last performance.
      • Water is the only beverage allowed backstage.  You may send your dancer with a small mess free snack and activity.  Once the performance gets going it will likely last less than 2.5 hours.
  • We need Parent Volunteers to make our show a success!  Please sign up at the studio.
    • We are looking for:
      • Backstage moms 
        • CLICK HERE for information
        • When you’re a backstage mom, you get the privilege of watching your dancer from the side of the stage and being there to cheer them on before and after they dance!  It’s also one less ticket you have to purchase.
      • Help with set-up in the morning on Friday, April 26th
        • 10:00am, usually only takes around 30 minutes
      • Ticket sales at each of the performances on April 27th
        • Preshow sales 30 minutes before the start of the show, please arrive 10 minutes before then
        • 2 volunteers per performance
      • Ushers to pass out programs
        • 4 ushers per performance
        • Arrive 20 minutes before the start of the performance
      • Strike after 7pm performance
        • Help us get everything packed up and back to the studio!
  • Ticket Sales will go live on Friday, April 5th at 8am
      • Tickets sales will all be online via TicketLeap on April 5th until April 26th at 11:59pm
      • Any remaining tickets will be available at the door 30 minutes before each performance for cash or check only, $15 each..  
      • All tickets are first come first serve and we anticipate that the performances will SELL OUT.  We share the ticket link with our dance families first.  This year we are encouraging dance families to buy tickets for only their immediate family first, to ensure all dance families have the opportunity to attend the performance of their choice.  Then starting April 8th, when we open ticketing to the public, feel free to purchase any additional tickets for extended family and friends.
      • The link will be emailed out to dance families before April 5th, but will not be unlocked to order until 8am on the 5th of April.
      • Tickets will be $12/ticket plus processing fee.  
  • Recital Videos will be available for pre-order
      • If you are interested in purchasing a DVD or Blu-ray of this year’s recital performance we will send order forms home at the beginning of April.  The evening performance is the one that will be recorded.
      • Please note, there is NO VIDEO OR PICTURES allowed during the recital performances.
  • Recital Shirts and AMDS apparel
      • Orders will be through Bill’s Locker Room III
      • We will send more info once the online shop opens 
      • We plan to have all orders at the studio for pickup the week of April 15th
  • Advertising for our Program
      • Are you a business owner or know of someone who might be interested in advertising in our recital program?  Please check out our advertising letter for more information and feel free to share with others.  Thank you!
  • Flower Sales by Silver + Vine
    • Silver + Vine will be taking pre-order flower orders, as well as have additional bouquets on hand, for pickup outside of the auditorium before each recital performance.
    • Bouquets are $15/each
    • Pre-orders will be taken at Silver + Vine starting March 13th.  *PRE-ORDERS ARE RECOMMENDED!*
      • Store Hours: Wednesdays-Fridays 10:00am-6:00pm, Saturdays 10:00am-3:00pm, Sunday-Tuesday CLOSED


  • Recital Show Order by Song Title (subject to change if we find an error)

2024 Recital Order

1 Rhapsody in Blue
2 Princesses Just Want to Have Fun
3 Centerfield
4 Imma Bee
5 The Middle
6 Pink Panther
7 Ready Set Let’s Go
8 A Million Dreams
9 Believer
10 Nina Cried Power
11 Puppies Everywhere
12 Footloose
13 Floating Through Space
14 Scouts
15 Ballet Egyptien
16 Walk the Dinosaur
17 Sky Full of Stars
18 Fire Dance
19 It Is What It Is
20 The Princess Bride
21 Strength In One
22 Top Hat, White Tie, & Tails
23 Girls
24 Everybody Wants to Be a Cat
25 Dancing Queen
26 Seasons
27 Flintstones
28 I Feel Like Dancing
29 Extraterrestrial
30 Nokturna
31 We Are Family
32 Dog Days Are Over
33 I’ve Got My Pups With Me
34 Reflections
35 Barbie’s World
36 Take On Me
37 The Entertainer
38 Run Boy Run


Quick reminder that our season does not end after recital!  Our last week of classes is May 11th-16th.  The month of May includes Community Window Performances and Bring a Friend to Dance!  More info will be shared in April.


Please let us know if you have any questions or if we missed anything!  Again, all of this info will be available on our website and posted at the studio.