Important Dates & Times:

  • Picture Week- April 22nd-25th 
    • Please be completely ready (costume, hair, makeup) at least 5 minutes before your scheduled time in case we are running ahead.
    • Bring picture envelopes fully filled out with payment in each envelope.
    • Makeup for pictures does not need to be full stage makeup.  All girls should have some makeup on for pictures.  Boys do not need to wear makeup for pictures.
    • There will be no pre-pointe/new pointe class this week.
  • Recital Week- April 27th-May 2nd
    • Classes run as normal at the dance studio
  • Dress Rehearsal- FRIDAY, MAY 3rd, 5-8:30pm at the Bryan Arts & Education Auditorium (enter through east side glass door and go to gym to find assigned area backstage)
    • CALL TIME IS 5pm
    • Dancers need to wear their costumes- do not wear performance tights to dress rehearsal keep them nice until the performances.  Please arrive in first costume (see recital order below) and be prepared to practice costume changes as we run through the show.
    • Hair and makeup are not required for dress rehearsal.  I will have a photographer taking some pictures so dancers may choose to go ahead and wear full makeup and hair.  It’s also good practice for performance day!
    • We will run finale first and then follow show order.  Once your dancer has rehearsed their last dance they are welcome to stay and watch or leave.  Please check them out with their backstage mom(s).
    • Parents are welcome to stay and watch in the audience.  You are allowed to take pictures and video but please no flash photographsThere will be no video or pictures allowed on Saturday at the performances.
  • Recital Day- May 4th
    • Matinee Performance Call Time is 12:30pm
      • That means your dancer is dressed and ready by then.  Doors will open 45 minutes before if you want to come early and finish getting ready at the auditorium.
    • Evening Performance Call Time is 6pm
      • That means your dancer is dressed and ready by then.  Doors will open 45 minutes before if you want to come early and finish getting ready at the auditorium.